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{\gdef\chapterlabel{\thechapter\ }}{0pt}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[yshift=-3cm] at (current page.north west)
{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\draw[fill=LightSkyBlue] (0,0) rectangle
rounded corners=20pt,inner sep=11pt,
\bibitem{Test} test reference
See also pdf output of this example.
Reference: http://texblog.net
The conference aims to reflect the current state of the art in the study of analysis and to discuss new developments and future directions. It hopes to promote a spirit of training, learning and communicating through the active participation and scientific exchange among analysts around the world.
The Conference will consist of plenary talks of 45 minutes (40+5 for discussion) and contributed talks of 25 minutes (20 + 5 for discussion) in parallel special sessions. All areas of analysis-related mathematics will be covered, especially: Complex Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Real and Functional Analysis, Topology, and Applications of Analysis to other areas of mathematics and science.Creating headers and footers in Latex can be done by using the package “fancyhdr”. This is a short introduction, showing the most important features of the package. If you know “fancyhdr” and are looking for something particular, refer to the fancyhdr-documentation.
First of all, you need to tell Latex to use the package:
and change the style from “plain” to “fancy”:
You will now the get the default fancy pagestyle which adds a line at the top of every page, except for some exceptions (title-page, abstract, new chapter in report).
Default fancyhdr page style:
Above the line, Latex will print headings:
Left-hand side: section
Right- hand side: chapter
Note: if you use the optional documentclass argument “twoside”, Latex will alter the position of the section and chapter. (e.g. \documentclass[twoside]{report}, also introducing non-symmetric margins).
For acticles, Latex will print the section only (chapters cannot be used with articles).
The footer only includes the page number which is centered by default.
Custom fancyhdr page style:
Even though fancyhdr has a default page style, you are free to define headers/footers yourself , which is not too difficult after all.
First you need to clear the default layout:
There are seven letters you need to know before you can define your own header/footer:
E: Even page
O: Odd page
L: Left field
C: Center field
R: Right field
H: Header
F: Footer
Now you can start to define your own layout. The definitions are added before the document starts, usually after the “usepackages”:
\fancyfoot[RO, LE] {\thepage}
The decorative lines can be changed by increasing/decreasing their thickness (0pt means no line):
Note: After the fancyhdr-documentation, the default layout is produced by the following commands:
\fancyhead[LE,RO]{\slshape \rightmark}
\fancyhead[LO,RE]{\slshape \leftmark}
\headrulewidth 0.4pt
\footrulewidth 0 pt
Reference: http://texblog.wordpress.com
A glossary is a nice thing to have in a report and usually very helpful. As you probably can imaging, it is very easy to create in Latex. Nevertheless, there are a few things to be done, especially generating the glossary-files.
First you have to tell Latex to use the glossary package and to create the glo-file containing all the glossar-entries in your document:
Next you have to add glossary entries to your document. They are of the following form:
\glossary{name={entry name}, description={entry description}}
Note: Usually, the glossary-entry should be added to keywords where they first appear.
A glossary-entry produces by default the following format:
“entry name” “entry description (on multiple lines if necessary)”, “page number”
And finally you have to tell Latex where to place you glossary inside the document which is done by the following command at the location you want to produce the glossary:
Optinally, you can reference to the glossary in the index (toc-file) by adding the following command after “\printglossary”:
What you do first is generate your PDF once. An ist-file as well as a glossary file (*.glo) are generated. The glossary-file contains all the glossary entries found in the document in plain text. Next you type the following command in the command-line:
makeindex document.glo -s document.ist -t document.glg -o document.gls
generating the two files with the extensions *.gls and *.glg. If entries are ignored or rejected, which can be seen either in the glg-file or directly in the output of the makeindex-command, you have to check your glossary entries. The important of the two files is the *.gls-file, as it is used by Latex for the actual glossary. You now need to re-generate the PDF and if everything works fine, your glossary should appear where you wanted it.
Reference: http://texblog.wordpress.com